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his Handmade One-of-a-Kind Wall Art is a stunning and bold piece that adds a touch of sophistication and style to any modern or coastal-themed room. Featuring a sleek black finish, it provides a striking contrast, bringing both movement and elegance to your wall space. Whether it’s hung in a living room, bedroom, or office, this unique art piece will draw attention and become a conversation starter.Crafted by skilled artisans, each piece is meticulously made, ensuring that it is truly one-of-a-kind. This artwork is perfect for those seeking a stylish and bold addition to their home décor, while the minimalistic black hue complements a variety of interior designs. The perfect way to enhance any modern or coastal aesthetic, adding both style and vibrancy to your room.

Product Specifications:

  • Material: Handmade Art Piece
  • Color: Black
  • Dimensions: 26 inches (L) x 2 inches (W) x 26 inches (H)
  • Design Style: Modern/Coastal
  • Features: Adds movement, color, and an elegant focal point to any room.
  • Ideal For: Living Room, Bedroom, Office, Hallway, or any space needing a sophisticated art piece.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

  1. Q: Can this art piece be displayed outdoors? A: This piece is designed for indoor use only. To preserve its quality and finish, it should be kept away from harsh weather conditions.

  2. Q: How do I hang this artwork on the wall? A: The artwork comes with hanging hardware, making it easy to mount on your wall. Installation is straightforward and requires only a few steps.

  3. Q: Is customization available for this product? A: At the moment, this piece is available in a black color only. However, please contact us for potential customization options, and we would be happy to discuss further.

For more information or customization, contact customer support at +91 9548357283.

Customer support timing: Monday to Saturday, 10 AM to 7 PM.