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This Handmade One-of-a-Kind Wall Art is the perfect piece to brighten up your modern or coastal-themed room. Designed to bring a pop of color and movement to any space, this unique artwork features a stunning combination of gold and sky blue that effortlessly elevates the decor of any room. The intricate craftsmanship ensures that each piece is one-of-a-kind, making it a standout feature in your living space.

With its striking colors and contemporary design, this wall art will add a dynamic touch to any wall, creating a visual focal point and enhancing the overall aesthetic of your home.

Product Specifications:

  • Material: Handmade Art Piece
  • Color: Gold & Sky Blue
  • Dimensions: 30 inches (L) x 2 inches (W) x 24 inches (H)
  • Design Style: Modern/Coastal
  • Features: Adds a pop of color, movement, and elegance to your space.
  • Ideal For: Living Room, Bedroom, Office, or any wall that needs a statement piece.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

  1. Q: Can this piece be used in outdoor spaces? A: This artwork is designed for indoor use, but it can add a beautiful touch to a covered balcony or porch as long as it’s protected from the elements.

  2. Q: Is this wall art ready to hang? A: Yes, this handmade piece comes with appropriate hanging hardware, making it easy to mount on your wall.

  3. Q: Does the color vary between pieces? A: Yes, each piece is handcrafted and unique, so slight variations in color and design may occur, making each one truly one-of-a-kind.

For more information or customization, contact customer support at +91 9548357283.

Customer support timing: Monday to Saturday, 10 AM to 7 PM.